Sales Order
Each sales order item can have multiple deliveries at
different date. Multiple deliveries for each sales item is specify in the
Schedule line of the Sales Order.
When the Sales order was created (VA01)
the system automatically proposes data from the relevant master records:
- From the customer master record (VD03) of the sold-to party, the system proposes sales, shipping, pricing, and billing data. In addition, the system copies customer-specific master data about texts, partners, and contact people at the customer site.
- For each material in
the sales order, the system automatically proposes data from the relevant
material master records (MM03 - Sales view), such as data for
pricing, delivery plant, availability check, tax determination, and weight
and volume determination.
VD53 - Customer-material info record. When you create the sales order item, the customer material number will be copy into the item Customer Material. In the Sales order, click Item -> Purchase Order data.
Sales Document Type
Sales document can have many different document types.
Each document type has its own usage...
Some commonly used document types are:-
- OR - Standard Order
- RE - Returns
- FD - Delivery Free
of Charge
Sales Document types have different control parameters.
For e.g. Document type ZOWN:-
General control :-
Check Division -
Blank -> no checks
1 -> Dialog to inform user that the division is different from material master
2 -> Error when division is different from material master
Check Division -
Blank -> no checks
1 -> Dialog to inform user that the division is different from material master
2 -> Error when division is different from material master
Immediate Delivery
Blank -> Create delivery separately
1 -> Create delivery immediately when sales order is save
2 -> Create delivery if quantity can be confirmed to day
Immediate Delivery
Blank -> Create delivery separately
1 -> Create delivery immediately when sales order is save
2 -> Create delivery if quantity can be confirmed to day
Maintain Sales Document Type
- Transaction VOV8 - Double click on the document type
to check the configuration.
configurations you can specify:-
- Check credit limit
- Define the default
Delivery type
- Define the default Billing type
- Block the Document Type from being used etc.