To declare a variable (or field) in an ABAP program that can be given a value at runtime, use the "PARAMETERS" statement.
The basic syntax is:
PARAMETERS <name>(<length>) TYPE <data type> DEFAULT <default>.
The only required addition in this statement is the <name> of the parameter.
A parameter's name can be up to 8 characters in length. This name should begin with a letter and the remainder of the name should consist of letters, numbers, or an underscore.
"SPACE" is a reserved word in ABAP.
The parameter's <length> is specified in parentheses immediately after the <name> (no spaces in between the name and the length).
If no length is specified, the variable will be the standard length for the data type The parameter's <data type> is specified after the "TYPE" addition.
If no data type is specified, the variable will be type 'C'.
To define a default value for the parameter, use the "DEFAULT" addition.
This default value is different from the initial value automatically assigned to a data object (see page 3).
When you execute a program using the "PARAMETERS" statement, a "selection screen" is displayed for you to enter values into the parameters. To continue program execution from the selection screen, click on the "Execute" pushbutton (or click the "F8" key).