It is found that most problems usually fall into one of the following two categories:
Case 1:
Errors in the data conversion program or the presence of unexpected types of data or incorrect data in the legacy database are the possible external causes of this type of problem.
Within R/3, the causes for this type of problem include incorrect or incomplete customizing in an application.
E.g. A legacy data type may not have been foreseen in the check table entries made in application customizing.
Case 2:
Error in technical/programming problems. The data is entered by a batch input session by running R/3 transactions non-interactively.
Therefore, a typical technical or programming problem is the incorrect identification of one of the data fields in a transaction. OR
The conversion program may not fill a required data field or may have provided invalid values.
In case of an error in Call Transaction Method, Use Standard Function module 'FORMAT_MESSAGE'.