ABAP Online Debugging tool is a valuable tool to diagnose problems inside a code at run time. That means, you can run the program and check in between how your code statements are executing via this tool. And off course find out the issue of your code.
To trigger the debugging function, you can follow below steps.
- From the Repository Browser by executing the program in debugging mode.
- From within the ABAP Editor, by setting a break point using using the red 'stop' push button.
- From the program code type the ABAP statement 'BREAK-POINT'.
- On any selection screen, in the OKCODE field at the top of the screen, enter a /h to turn the debugging mode on.
Then execute the program and you can see the debugger tool displaying the first BREAK-POINT set by you. The source code of the program to be debugged appears in the screen's top portion. The line currently ready for processing is indicated by a '>' to the left of the line of code.