Modularization Technique is not part of any logic or concept. You can say this is related to proper arrangement of code to look good and to perform well.
If a code has couple of repeated statements, you can simply write those statements in a subroutine. And then use the name of sub routine in the main program n number of times, if required. This will reduce the redundancy of same code.
Subroutine is nothing but a collection of code statements in a mini block. Subroutines improve the code structure and make it simple to read and understand. Subroutine can be called from any point in main program.
Besides that, by creating include programs also you can modularise a program. Let's say, you program has couple of data statements, then select screen statements and then come the main processing part. In such case, what we can do here, just create 2 separate program via se38 one with data declaration and other with selection screen design code.
Now in the main program, include both the program names with syntax INCLUDE. Check below.
This is also a very good technique of modularisation.
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